The Tyranny of the Unempty Plate
It's a common story, I'm afraid. As a kid, I'd decide I was finished eating and want to leave the table. But there was still food on my plate, and that seemed like the worst crime next to murder to my mom. "You stay here and clean your plate. There are kids starving in India!" It was never clear how me eating all the food on my plate could possibly help a starving child half a world away, but mom was deadly serious about it. Every single time. Sometimes the plate would still have food on it because it included some item (usually a vegetable) I wasn't crazy about. Sometimes it was because I went for seconds and overdid it. Sometimes I just couldn't deal with having leftovers of the same meal for the third or fourth straight night. Sometimes I just wasn't that hungry. It didn't really matter the reason, the response from mom was always predictable; "There are children starving in Africa!" (Those starving kids got arou...